
jueves, 16 de agosto de 2012

Danza de Aureline Roy

Aureline Roy provoca su transpiración mediante este vestido témico bajo el fuerte sol de agosto, recordamos su proyecto por el que fue seleccionada por CACiS:
To break into a sweat
I am currently developing a new creation, entitled Sweat, still focused on the theme of the body under
constraint. This time I take on the obstacle of extreme heat in order to work with the resulting changes
in circulation and flow, of sweat in particular.
Can we make it visible? Quantify it? Appropriate it through provocation?
Performance allows me to use the body as material and to explore its reactions when faced with
constraint. It can create movement in a passive body or give birth to unconscious choreography. 
Aureline Roy

Un projecte que vol fer servir el cos com a matèria i explorar les
seves reaccions quan s’enfronta a restriccions. Es pot crear el
moviment en un cos passiu o donar a llum a la coreografia