
jueves, 28 de junio de 2012

Crowdfunding para financiar un proyecto de CACiS Rewards Green Library - 5 €: Inclusion in the list of thanks and communication of all activities CACiS - 10 €: Set of 12 postcards DONES INVISBLES project, a collection of photographs taken by 12 photographs of different countries (50% goes to pay one-story shelter for battered women) (150 games) - 15 €. Guided tour of the facilities CACiS. - 25 €: T-CACiS - 30 €: Portofolio (DIN A4) DONES INVISIBLES project, a collection of photographs taken by 12 photographs of different countries (50% goes to pay one-story shelter for battered women) (150 games). - 40 €: Participation in food CACiS artists (40 seats) - 70 €: Participation in dry stone workshop (Saturday and Sunday) with reconstruction of a vineyard hut (60) - 100 €: Works on paper (25x30) CACiS of different artists. (100 works) - 200 €. Residêncy for a week in CACiS during the time of construction of the Library (8 seats) - 250 €: Residence CACiS with use of the workshop (for artists) (10 seats). - 1000 €: Roser Oduber Artwork courtesy of the artist to CACiS for this project valued at € 2000 (exposure D-Ments presented in Volart espai Vilacasas Foundation in 2011) (5 pieces) - 2000 €: Roser Oduber Artwork courtesy of the artist for this project to CACiS valued at 4000 € (exposure D-Ments presented in Volart espai Vilacasas Foundation in 2011) (5 pieces) - 3000 € Roser Oduber Artwork courtesy of the artist for this project to CACiS valued at 6000 € (exposure D-Ments presented in Volart espai Vilacasas Foundation in 2011) (3 pieces) - 5000 €: Roser Oduber Artwork courtesy of the artist for this project to CACiS valued at 9000 € (exposure D-Ments presented in Volart espai Vilacasas Foundation in 2011) (2 pieces). - Blog of CACiS - Blog Roser Oduber

  CACiS es un centro de producción de arte contemporaneo en relación con el medio natural y la sostenibilidad, desarrollando diferentes actividades de manera transversal, esta situado en el medio rural, fuera del nucleo del pueblo de Calders. El conjunto ha crecido alrededor de unos antiguos hornos de cal de manera integrada en el paisaje. El proyecto concreto para el que se busca financiacion es el de la construcción de una Biblioteca verde, este espacio estara totalmente integrado en el paisaje aprovechando desniveles, sombras... y realizado con materiales naturales de facil aporte en la zona. El edificio se estructurara en pequeños modulos y cubiertos que podrian ser facilmente exportables. El contendo será el de una biblioteca especializada en arte y naturaleza, en ecologia, arquitectura sostenible. Una biblioteca para uso de los artistas residentes en el centro y accesible a caminantes (el camino de Santiago pasa cerca, asi como un camino real) dando un punto de descanso, lectura y pensamiento contemporaneo lejos de los entornos urbanos. Asimismo para dar cobijo a escolares en su visita al lugar. El dinero recaudado servira para la ejecución del espacio y equipamientos basicos (ordenadores, sistema de generación de electicidad, mobiliario...) y en función del importe final adquisición de nuevos libros. Blog de CACiS Blog Roser Oduber

Primera semana de actividades infantiles

Primera setmana d'activitats infantils a CACiS amb pocs nens però molt divertit hem fet una espanta ocells i treballem la calç, i els pigments de la terra , minerals i vegetals també. Children with artists in the summer workshops

martes, 26 de junio de 2012

cuarta convocatória de proyectos con residencia en CACiS


CACIS “EL FORN DE LA CALÇ” in Calders (Catalonia- Spain) Open an international call to artists for to stay in their residence and conduct a research project during 2013.1.CACIS “El forn de la calç” hosts visual arts projects, performing arts, performance, thinking, intervention in the landscape and search for new languages related to sustainability and protecting the natural environment.  (Not exclusively artistic) The residence in CACIS has basic conditions for research and study in nature, for the artist to find the conditions of space, and equipment suitable concentration. The space is located at 5 km from the village of Calders and 2.5 km of village of Artés. The city of Manresa is about 25 minutes and enjoys privileged views of Montserrat and the Pyrenees.  2. The residences include accommodation of artists (maximum 4)and work space for a minimum of  7 days and a maximum of 90 days. Do not include the displacement or diets. 3. The Centre can help artists to make the necessary contacts with local people and suppliers of materials and services related to their research and enhance liaison with the social environment with the preparation of workshops and seminars related to proposed projects. 4. The artists who wish to pursue this call should emailing the following documents: - Contact of project leader  - Number of participants - Timetable for which residence is sought alternative option (if any) - Spaces are required (accommodation / work room / outdoors). -  A letter of intent with an explicit text in which the artist is committed, if elected,    to make residence in the requested extension. -- Letter or letters of recommendation from other centres or workplaces.- A description of the project (maximum 3 sheets with a maximum 3-JPG-format photos) - A short CV (max. 1 page) 5. Applications for 2013 can be submitted until 30 November 2012. 6. The jury is composed of professionals and the team of the Centre. 7. Resolution of the call December 30, 2012. The result of the call will be communicatedBy email to stakeholders and made public in CACIS website. 8. The act of participating on the acceptance of these rules.9. The direction of the Centre reserves the right to cancel the residence of the participants initially admitted:• If there is a substantial modification of the initial project that was subject to selection.• If caught falsity of the information provided by the applicant to be selected.

martes, 19 de junio de 2012

Les passagers de Hélèn Barrier

Elementos de la naturaleza transformados por Hélèn y devueltos al paisaje para motivar sensaciones  contradictórias, encuentros entre la realidad y la creación . 
Éléments de la nature transformée par Helen et est retourné dans le paysage afin d'encourager des sentiments mitigés, rencontre entre la réalité et de la création.

lunes, 18 de junio de 2012

Hélèn Barrier finaliza su instalación

Girnalda de lana que l'artista Hélèn Barrier ha creado para  intervenir en el paisatge rocoso del bosque cercano a CACiS.

martes, 12 de junio de 2012

TV3 amb Hélèn Barrier a CACiS

Una entrista a l'artista resident a CACiS mentre treballa en el seu projecte de jardins secrets

lunes, 11 de junio de 2012

Taller de pedra seca

Dos dies treballant per la reconstrucció d'aquesta petita i original barraca de vinya, amagada entre branques trencades i del tot ensorrada ha tornat a créixer de la ma de Valentí Escalé i els seus alumnes . Una feina ben feta a la tardor li posarem els lliris al sostre.