CACIS “EL FORN DE LA CALÇ ” in Calders (Catalonia- Spain) Open an
international call to artists for to stay in their residence and conduct a
research project during 2013.1.CACIS “El forn de la calç” hosts visual arts
projects, performing arts, performance, thinking, intervention in the landscape
and search for new languages related to sustainability and protecting the
natural environment. (Not exclusively
artistic) The residence in CACIS has basic conditions for research and study in
nature, for the artist to find the conditions of space, and equipment suitable
concentration. The space is located at 5 km from the village
of Calders and 2.5 km of village of Artés .
The city of Manresa is about 25 minutes and
enjoys privileged views of Montserrat and the Pyrenees . 2. The residences include accommodation of
artists (maximum 4)and work space for a minimum of 7 days and a maximum of 90 days. Do not
include the displacement or diets. 3. The Centre can help artists to make the
necessary contacts with local people and suppliers of materials and services
related to their research and enhance liaison with the social environment with
the preparation of workshops and seminars related to proposed projects. 4. The
artists who wish to pursue this call should emailing the following documents: -
Contact of project leader - Number of
participants - Timetable for which residence is sought alternative option (if
any) - Spaces are required (accommodation / work room / outdoors). - A letter of intent with an explicit text in
which the artist is committed, if elected,
to make residence in the requested extension. -- Letter or letters of
recommendation from other centres or workplaces.- A description of the project
(maximum 3 sheets with a maximum 3-JPG-format photos) - A short CV (max. 1 page)
5. Applications for 2013 can be submitted until 30 November 2012. 6. The jury
is composed of professionals and the team of the Centre. 7. Resolution of the
call December 30, 2012. The result of the call will be communicatedBy email to
stakeholders and made public in CACIS website. 8. The act of participating on
the acceptance of these rules.9. The direction of the Centre reserves the right
to cancel the residence of the participants initially admitted:• If there is a
substantial modification of the initial project that was subject to selection.•
If caught falsity of the information provided by the applicant to be selected.