
miércoles, 31 de octubre de 2012

Sharon Kallis explica su experiencia en Flickr

Centre d'Art Contemporani i Sostenibilitat, just outside Artes, and about an hour north of Barcelona was my incredible home for the month of October, 2010 and again in September 2012. An artist residency program with a focus on the environment and dialogue with community, I knew I had found "my people", and what an incredible place to land for a month! For 2010 the intention was to arrive with a suitcase including minimal tools and respond to the environment, meet locals and create a sculpture for the forest. Roser Oduber and Joan Vendrell are the founders and driving force behind the project, the residency program is only a few years under way and is built using sustainable methods- new and old around the architectural remains of the stunning Forn de la Calc; old calcium kilns. I have filed my 2010 photos into three groupings: residency , community and installation, to give an idea of the landscape and facilities that inspired me, the community I fell in love with and the work that resulted. In 2012 I went back, my partner David did a residency and his band came to play while I taught some workshops and created an installation in the a gallery- those photos are all labled by events. for more information about CACIS, checkout the website,
or blog: