The selection committee for the call for artists in
residence during 2014, consisting the
management of CACiS and collaboration of Setba Foundation.
States that:
- We have received more than 60 requests for information about the program
- 30 applications were received within the time limit and according to the conditions set, and after an initial assessment were selected 15 projects
- Resulting finally chosen as follows:
- We have received more than 60 requests for information about the program
- 30 applications were received within the time limit and according to the conditions set, and after an initial assessment were selected 15 projects
- Resulting finally chosen as follows:
Miriam Martinez Guirao/ Elx
Pia Alejandra Gálvez / Madrid
Sophie Beneteau / París
Nina Viviana Cangialosi + Mauro Mancini / Italia
Celeste Alías + Txema Rico / Artés
Rodergas / Mikkeli / Finlàndia
Lucia Loren / Madrid
Lucinda Linderman + Pedro Fenollosa / Miami - Florida / Valencia
Mortaldenecesidad / Oscar Dasi + Sergi Faustino + Itxaso Corral + María Vera / Barcelona
Ruben Van Klaveren + Naomi Hermanus / Holanda
Hélène Barrier / París